Pop -Up Outdoor Classes!

This last Wednesday we got creative and held a pop-up outdoor ballet class in the little park by our dance studio. It was so much fun dancing in person together under the sun! Everyone had their own hula hoop to help remind the kids to stay 6 feet apart.

This Tuesday (6/30) from 5:15PM-5:45PM we are holding another pop up dance class! This time it is Jazz for 4-6 year olds! Class size is limited so reserve your dancer’s spot now by emailing Jenn at Jenn@allegrodancemi.com. The cost of this class is $5 per dancer.

We hope to dance with you on Tuesday! The weather looks great!

Pop-Up Ballet Class on Wednesday 6/24!

Pop-Up Ballet Class on Wednesday 6/24!

Welcome Progressing Ballet Technique to Allegro Dance!

Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) is an innovative body-conditioning and strengthening program developed by Marie Walton-Mahon for students to understand the depth of training muscle memory in achieving their personal best. One of the important elements used in the PBT method is muscle memory which helps to improve students' understanding of core stability, weight placement and alignment. Each exercise in the PBT program has been developed with care and guidance by Marie Walton-Mahon alongwith a team of physiotherapists.

Miss Jenn is excited about bringing PBT to Allegro Dance this Fall! She received her certification in the PBT method on May 17, 2020. The students will love this method and the technical results and injury prevention it provides!

New Online Boutique!!

Check out our new online boutique! We have all your favorite Allegro Dance t-shirts, jackets, hair bows, leg warmers, and Ballet sweaters for sale right on our website. Do not forget gift cards are also available! You will be able to pick up purchases in studio. Local drop offs are available during our COVID closure though!

Be sure to use promo code ALLEGRO5 for 10% purchases now through April 30th in honor of our 5th anniversary!

Free Virtual Drop-In Class Opportunities!!

  • Join our Taps & Tutus class for 3-4 year olds virtually! Every Wednesday 4/1-5/20 4pm-4:40pm. You do not need tap shoes to participate.


$63 for the month of April or

$14 per class to drop-in virtually

To drop in or join for April, email jenn@allegrodancemi.com

  • Our 6-8 Year Old Ballet class virtually! Join us Tuesday, 4/7 from 3pm-3:30pm. This one time virtual class is free!

To reserve your child's spot, please email us at jenn@allegrodancemi.com

  • Our Creative Movement Class for 2.5-3 year olds virtually! Join us Friday, 4/10 from 11:00-11:30am. This one time virtual class is free!

To reserve your child's spot, please email us at jenn@allegrodancemi.com

  • Our 5-7 Year Old Jazz class virtually! Join us Tuesday, 4/15 from 3:15-3:45pm. This one time virtual class is free!

To reserve your child's spot, please email us at jenn@allegrodancemi.com

  • Join our Sleeping Beauty Virtual Ballet Class! Monday, 4/20 from 3:30-4:15pm.

This will be 45 minutes of Ballet magic to brighten your child's day. The class will include "Sleeping Beauty" story time and a Ballet class. An activity sheet will be emailed out prior to class so your dancer can do a related activity after!

We invite each dancer to dress up as their favorite princess for class!

$20/dancer. Ages 3-6.

To reserve your child's spot, please email us at jenn@allegrodancemi.com

Allegro Dance Goes Virtual!

All of us at Allegro Dance are missing our dance families so much during this difficult time of quarantine due to COVID 19. Today we launched virtual privates as a way to stay connected to our students and to help them continue to improve and move while they are stuck at home! Miss Jenn loved seeing some of her dedicated students and working with them even if it was over a computer. If you are interested in a virtual private during this tough time, please email us at jenn@allegrodancemi.com. We cannot wait to see ALL of our dancers back at the studio as soon as possible! Until then, stay positive and keep dancing!


2020-2021 Dance Schedule

Registration for our 2020-2021 dance season is just around the corner! Registration opens to current enrolled students on March 18 and registration opens to the public on March 25!

Some exciting new changes to the studio include:

  • Larger studio coming June 2020!

  • Second dance room with SPRUNG BALLET FLOORS!

  • Smaller class sizes!

  • More class options and times!

  • The launch of our performance/competition company!

  • Get the classes you want, when you want!

  • Not sure what to enroll your dancer in? Give us a call! We are happy to help!



CB2 Cream Now For Sale

Two of our dance moms have created CB2 and we now carry it at the studio! This cream reduces inflammation without suppressing your immune system like steroids do. Free of the marijuana plant, it uses 7 different plants with ingredients that target a newly identified receptor in the skin- CB2 making it extremely safe to help with issues your children may experience! Learn more about CB2 below:



Congratulations to all dancers that auditioned for the 2020-2021 Allegro Dance Performance Company!
Congratulations to the following dancers for making it as a member of our performance company:

Caroline Z.
Blaire B.
Caroline A.
Ellie T.
Shanaya M.
Bella S.
Ada M.
Izzy J.
Maria B.
Maria T.
Lillian M.
Sophia L.
Sydney G.
Alex E.
Lucia L.
Niara Y.
Sophia F.
Reese G.
Evelyn J.

We are so proud of all dancers that auditioned!

Allegro Dance Performance Company Auditions

Calling all Jazz and Tap dancers looking for more performance and training opportunities! Allegro Dance Performance Company (ADPC) will perform in the community, attend dance conventions, and compete.

Children must be at least 6 years old by January 2021 to audition in February. This is for dancers 6 and up. We will have different companies and classes based on age and level!

$10 audition fee at the door. Please arrive at 6:45 pm to check in. Dancers should be dressed in leotards, tights, and jazz or ballet shoes. Hair should be neat and off the face.

For more information, please contact jenn@allegrodancemi.com or call 248-808-7274.

Audition is February 12 from 7-8 pm.

Join Us This Summer!

Check out all the exciting Summer classes/camps we are offering!

Our summer classes are designed to keep your children moving & using their imaginations during the summer while building on dance technique gained throughout the dance season.  We offer camps for children starting at the age of 3.5, 4 week long classes for all ages, day camps and pre-professional dance intensives for the serious dancer. 

Children’s Storybook Ballet Camp June 15th-18th

Ages 3.5-6
Early Bird Cost: $150
After 4/15/2020: $175
Price includes all craft supplies.
This magical Ballet camp is 8 hours of twirling Ballet fun! Each day includes a Ballet class, a Ballet themed craft, storytime, and learning a dance. Over the 4 days, we we will explore the following Ballets: “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”, and “Firebird”. A small performance will be held for family during the last 15 minutes of camp on the last day!


Pre-Professional Ballet Intensive Levels 1 and 2/3

By Invitation Only

Samantha Shelton, guest instructor

June 15th-19th
This intensive is for serious Ballet dancers with prior training. You do not have to be a dancer at Allegro Dance to participate, however we do need to approve participation into these intensives before enrolling. If you are interested in participating, please call the studio or send us an email to set up a complimentary placement class.
Each day will consist of Ballet technique, Character, Variations and Conditioning/Stretch.

Samantha Shelton will be our guest instructor for this intensive! Here’s a little bit about her:
Samantha Shelton was trained in New York at the Joffrey Ballet and in Michigan with Rose Marie Floyd.  She is currently a National Adjudicator for American Ballet Theatre and on faculty for the ABT Summer Intensives.  She holds an MFA in Dance from the University of Michigan and studied Performing Arts Administration at New York University

6 Week Zumbini Summer Session 1 June 17th-July 22nd, 2020

Wednesdays 10:30am-11:15am
Cost: $135 for the first child/$100 for each additional sibling
Price includes the take home Zumbini bundle

Zumbini is the ultimate family bonding experience taught by Sophia Shamoon. Zumbini is for children ages 0-5 and was created by Zumba and Baby First. It is an early childhood education program that uses original music and movement to promote cognitive, social, fine/gross motor skills and emotional development!


4 Week Summer Classes (Tuesday Sessions)
June 23rd-July 14th, 2020

Taps & Tutus (3-4 year olds)
Tuesdays 3:30pm-4:15pm
Early Bird Cost: $63
After 4/15/2020: $68

Petite Ballet 1 (4-5 year olds)
Tuesdays  4:45pm-5:15pm
Early Bird Cost: $55
After 4/15/2020: $60

Petite Tap 1 (4-5 year olds)
Tuesdays  5:15pm-5:45pm
Early Bird Cost: $55
After 4/15/2020: $60

Jazz for 6-8 year olds
Tuesdays  6:00pm-6:30pm
Early Bird Cost: $55
After 4/15/2020: $60

Ballet for 6-8 year olds
Tuesdays  6:30pm-7:00pm
Early Bird Cost: $55
After 4/15/2020: $60

Tap for 6-8 year olds
Tuesdays  7:00pm-7:30pm
Early Bird Cost: $55
After 4/15/2020: $60

9 & Up Tap
Tuesdays  7:30pm-8:00pm
Early Bird Cost: $55
After 4/15/2020: $60

9 & Up Jazz
Tuesdays  8:00pm-8:45pm
Early Bird Cost: $63
After 4/15/2020: $68

4 Week Summer Classes (Thursday Sessions)
June 25th-July 16th, 2020

Petite Jazz 1 (4-5 year olds)
Thursdays  4:45pm-5:15pm
Early Bird Cost: $55
After 4/15/2020: $60

Level One Ballet**
Thursdays  5:15pm-6:00pm
Early Bird Cost: $63
After 4/15/2020: $68

Levels Two/Three Ballet**
Thursdays  6:00pm-7:00pm
Early Bird Cost: $70
After 4/15/2020: $75
**Participation is at the discretion of the director


Frozen Ballet Camp
June 25th, 2020

Ages: 3.5-6
Early Bird Cost: $65
After 4/15/2020: $75

Come cool off with us during this two hour Frozen Ballet Camp! Your dancer will transform into Elsa as we learn Ballet and do Frozen themed crafts! Elsa will also be joining us! She will be singing, dancing and reading a story with our dancers! This Camp sold out in January so act fast!
Dancers may wear an Elsa/Anna outfit OR leotard and tights. If they dress as Elsa/Anna, please put a leotard and tights under their dress so they can still dance.


Allegro Dance Intensity July 27th-July 30th, 2020

Juniors: Ages 5-7 6:00pm-7:30pm
Ages 8-12 7:30pm-9:00pm
Early Bird Cost: $125
After 4/15/2020: $150

Improve technique, boost your dancer’s confidence and have some dance fun this Summer during this 4 day intensive for 5-7 year olds and 8-12 year olds! Throughout the 4 days, your dancer will work on a variety of classes including Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Stretch, Conditioning and Choreography. Does your dancer have a goal of being on our ADPC team or in our pre-professional ballet classes? This will get them one step closer to that goal!


6 Week Zumbini Summer Session 2 August 5th-September 9th, 2020

Wednesdays 10:30am-11:15am
Cost: $135 for the first child/$100 for each additional sibling
Price includes the take home Zumbini bundle

Zumbini is the ultimate family bonding experience taught by Sophia Shamoon. Zumbini is for children ages 0-5 and was created by Zumba and Baby First. It is an early childhood education program that uses original music and movement to promote cognitive, social, fine/gross motor skills and emotional development!